Sunday, April 6, 2008

More Disaster... and then some good stuff

This year has continued to be full of Very high highs and very low lows. Since my last post, I have also had to replace my digital camera, and my phone. Then a week after I replaced those, my Ipod was stolen out of my locker at the YMCA.

I hate electronics... except for cameras.

Good news:
My photographs were chosen for the Emmet Gowin Juried Show at Missouri State University. One of my entrees was picked as Emmet's personal favorite and made the cover art for all the publicity for the show. I was his favorite out of 50... pretty exciting!

Four other photographs were chosen and selected for the Public Affairs Student Photography Contest. I haven't found out yet, but I'm definitely in the running for some prize money. That would be nice.

I have a wedding coming up this weekend, some friends' from college. It's the first wedding I will photograph completely alone, but I am excited about it and it is going to pay a good little amount of money.

That's all for now, I will post images later.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

A new year... Same deal

laid off from work because January is a slow month for the restaurant industry. Also, they hired winter staff that can work more hours than me. My hard drive crashed over Xmas break, so I lost everything... awesome. DCC was good, but expensive, I'm out a couple hundred bucks. All in all I'd say 2008 has been a pretty disastrous year so far!

Now here's pictures that made me happy in 07, well in 08 I guess too.

My 2 best pals, Jordan and Adam on the slopes of Loveland in Colorado

My painting of Zurbaran's "St. Francis in Meditation". Pretty proud of this one

My painting of Key Largo at sunset. 24x30 from a photograph

My sister, nephew and brother-in-law. They're the best.

More later. Dear Jesus, please help me find a job this week!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

This is one of the 4 paintings I am working on for my painting class. This is the original of Zurbaran's St. Francis in Meditation. My final piece will be 16x20. I will upload the others (at least the ones I like) when I am finished with them.

I recently shaved my facial hair to look like this...

But I ended up looking like a magician so I shaved it all off.

The End.

Running Hard

This is my first blog. A look into my life as a photographer and runner.